Leave Requests

Leave Requests are available with HR3 payroll only, not payroll Lite.

This function is used to prepare leave transactions in advance of the payrun. The requests can then be imported into the payrun at the time of processing.

Creating a New Leave Request

  1. In the Details screen, click on the Add New button.
    A Leave Request pop up window will appear.
  2. Complete the following information as required:
Field Explanation
Fin Yr: Week No From the pop-up calendar, choose the financial year and week number of the payrun in which this leave will be processed. 
Status Select the status from the drop-down list. There are three available statuses, namely:
  • Requested which applies to a new leave request which has not yet been approved.
  • Approved which applies to leave which has been approved and can be processed.
  • Processed which applies to a leave request which has been previously imported into the payrun.

The remaining three are for HR3pay internal use only:
  • In Payrun is a leave request that is in a current payrun awaiting processing.
  • Cancelled is a leave request that has been cancelled, typically due to an employee termination.
  • Denied is a leave request that has been denied.
Start Date Enter the start date for the leave.
Finish Date Enter the finish date for the leave.
Leave Pay Item Select the leave pay item which will then be imported into the Leave section of the payrun
Leave Reason Select a reason for the leave from the drop-down list or select <<Add New>> to create a new reason.
Units You may manually enter the total number of hours of leave to be processed, or use the Leave Units Calculator which will enter the total number.
Leave Units Calculator

Click the Leave Units Calculator which will calculate the required Units (hours) for a leave request based on the start/finish date. It also shows the relevant period on the calendar. This will populate the Units field.
By default, weekends and Public Holidays are excluded from the calculated leave Units. If you wish to include some or all of these days in the total (e.g. the employee works one or more of these days), then tick the appropriate checkbox within the Leave Units Calculator area, and payroll will recalculate the Units.
If Work Patterns are in use for this employee (see Work Patterns for Employees) then this will include the Work Pattern days, with appropriate hours for each day. You may choose to adjust these hours manually, if required. (Click on the relevant date, then change the displayed hours in the cell below and click Apply.)

After you have completed any changes in the Leave Units Calculator, you may click the X button (top right of the calculator area) to close it. The Units value will remain.

Payroll Notes
If required, add any internal notes here, i.e. any comments that need recording. These do not appear anywhere else in the system.
Approved by Enter the name of the person who authorised the leave.
Date Enter the date on which the leave was authorised.
Approver Notes Generally this section will be completed by the approver if the leave request was entered in kiosk; this information will flow through from there. The Approver should add any pertinent notes here – for example to explain why they have approved unpaid leave.


You may add documents (or images) to a Leave Request via the Documents & Images tab. For example you may want to add a Medical Certificate to a Personal Leave request. See Adding a Document or Image for more information on this process.